Get Started with Sears Pharmacy

Sears Pharmacy makes your life easier and helps you and your family maintain your health even better. In just four easy steps, you’re on your way to medication convenience, safety and quality.

Mature couple smiling cheerfully while having a video call on a digital tablet. Happy senior couple communicating with their loved ones online. Mature couple enjoying their retirement at home.

Step One

Register with us by calling 708-386-6304 or by clicking here.

Step Two

We’ll transfer your prescriptions to Sears Pharmacy.

Step Three

Choose your packaging. We can place all your medications and any vitamins and over-the-counter medications in individual dose packets. You can also request easy-to-use punchcards that are clearly marked with dosing day, date and time of day. We can also put your medications in traditional packaging.

Step Four

Your medications are delivered to your door, free of charge, within 24 hours of ordering, when you order 5 items or more, including over-the counter goods.

It’s that simple! 

Talk to us about MedSync

Make managing your prescriptions even easier with MedSync. Your Sears Pharmacist will adjust medication amounts and prescription start days so all medications will refill on the same day each month. Sears Pharmacy will provide enough medication to “fill in” the month without wasting existing medications when your prescription refills aren’t all scheduled to begin on the same day of the month, We’ll then modify all prescription start days to the same day of the month. Going forward, all prescriptions will refill on the same day each month, making medication management even more convenient.